New York State Practitioner Education  Medical Use of Marijuana 2-hr Required Course

New York State Practitioner Education Medical Use of Marijuana 2-hr Required Course

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Section 3.0: The Use of Cannabis-based Products in Specific Patient Populations and Drug Interactions

The current medical and scientific research literature does not support the use of cannabis as a first line therapy, nor does the literature suggest that cannabis or cannabinoid therapies should replace an FDA-approved effective therapy for any condition. Note: New York State does NOT require failure on conventional therapy as a criterion to obtain product.  Practitioners must review their patients’ past treatments when determining if they will benefit from the primary or adjunctive treatment with medical cannabis for their serious condition.  


Before considering the recommendation of cannabis-based therapies, clinicians should be aware of the significant negative impact that cannabis use may have on certain patient populations, and clinicians should be aware of the known drug interactions associated with cannabis. Furthermore, clinicians should consider that cannabis-based products have not been studied to the same extent as FDA-approved medicines, and therefore there may be unknown risks to cannabis use, and there may be unknown drug interactions associated with cannabis use. 


Part 1


The Use of Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Specific Patient Populations

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