New York State Practitioner Education  Medical Use of Marijuana 2-hr Required Course

New York State Practitioner Education Medical Use of Marijuana 2-hr Required Course

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Section 5.0: Cannabis Use and Mental Health

Part 1


Cannabis Use and Mental Health Disorders


Any clinical discussion on medical cannabis is limited by the relative paucity of randomized controlled trials. Only a small number of clinical studies involving the therapeutic use of cannabis have been carried out to date. And, of those studies, only short term adverse effects associated with cannabis use have been evaluated.


In general, the medical literature on physiological effects and adverse effects of cannabis use pertains to recreational cannabis use much more so than medicinal cannabis use. As such, the information presented in this section comes mostly from studies involving recreational cannabis users who often use tobacco and alcohol, as well as other drugs (prescription and illicit drugs).


Therefore, when recommending medical cannabis, it is essential to realize that the effects may not mirror the published studies and, analogous to any prescription medication recommendation, decisions must be made on an individualized basis with appropriate follow-up.


This section is comprised of two parts. The first part reviews the literature evaluating the mental health effects of cannabis use, while the second part addresses cannabis use disorder.


This discussion focuses on the association between cannabis use and mental health disorders. The difficulty has been in deciding whether there is a causal relationship between exposure to cannabis and the development of these mental health disorders.

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